

「一起同行 成就未來」












「一起同行 成就未來」

2022/2023 學年是充實豐盛的一年,各位同學在這一年應該抓緊機遇、身體力行,實踐校訓所述 —「忠、恕、勤、敏、誠、善、知、行」。

學校向來重視學生全人發展,投放豐富的資源,改善教學設施。本校繼上學年獲優質教育基金撥款建立「STEM 在四邑」學習基地;本學年亦成功申請「奇趣 IT 識多啲計劃」發展 STEAM 課程。

學校把價值觀教育、STEAM 教學內容自然連繫起來,發展成跨課程學習,鼓勵同學將各科所學知識融會貫通,全方位推動 STEAM 及價值觀教育。學校善用「學時」規劃 STEAM 及價值觀教育,於課堂內外策劃課程,組織學習活動。

學校課程不只是課堂學習,老師亦帶領學生參與各種活動,拓寬視野,提升學習能力。上學年本校參加了「衝上雲霄」全區活動,同學們帶着夢想登上飛機。這學年,在老師帶領下,同學繼續參與全區、全港不同的活動:本校升旗隊隊員參與香港升旗隊總會舉辦「共和國之光」校際問答比賽,取得「優異獎」。兩位中國舞代表參與「香港校際舞蹈節」小學獨舞比賽,獲得「甲級獎」。本校運動員參與「慶回歸 25 周年 - 深水埗區中小學輕排球體驗課程暨區賽」獲女子組「季軍」。四十多位同學們在老師指導下,於「香港校際朗誦節」獲得 1 冠軍、2 亞軍、2 季軍及多個優良獎。本校足球隊參與「賽馬會學界足球發展計劃」。由此可見,四邑同學在「多元發展」上有傑出表現。

老師們與時並進,學校一方面為教師提供培訓,發展學與教資源;另一方面樂於與教育界同工分享校本經驗。學校安排何文樂助理校長、周潤康主任到「消防及救護學院」參與中式步操導師訓練,學習最新步操模式及技巧,強化「四邑升旗隊」效能。校長、譚佩嫦主任獲「深水埗區幼兒教育校長會」邀請,分享本校「幼小銜接」、「時間表」以及「世界公民教育課」的編排。周潤康主任、黃慧盈老師、陳佳明老師及毛燕美老師,獲教育局邀請於「2023 以行求知分享會」分享中文科「透過繪本教學,提升閱讀興趣和閱讀深度」的經驗。



Words from the Principal

Together We Strive For A Bright Future

Mr. Chang Po Cheung

The 2022/2023 school year is an enriching year in which all students should seize the opportunity to put into practice the school motto - "Faithfulness, Forgiveness, Diligence, Sensitivity, Integrity, Goodness, Knowledge and Action".

The school has always attached significant importance to the whole-person development of students and has invested a lot of resources to improve teaching facilities. Last school year, we were awarded a grant from the Quality Education Fund to set up a "STEM in Sze Yap" learning base, and this school year, we have also successfully applied for the "Know More About IT " to develop a series of STEAM programmes.

The school has developed a cross-curricular learning approach by linking values education and STEAM teaching contents naturally, encouraging students to integrate what they have learnt in different subjects and promoting STEAM and values education in all aspects. The school makes effective use of "school hours" to plan STEAM and values education, planning lessons and organizing learning activities both inside and outside the classroom.

The school curriculum is not only about classroom learning, but teachers also lead students to participate in various activities to broaden their horizons and enhance their learning ability. Last school year, we participated in a district-wide activity called "Up in the Air", where students took their dreams on board a plane. This year, under the guidance of our teachers, students continued to participate in different activities in the district and throughout Hong Kong: our flag-raising team members participated in the "Light of the Republic" inter-school quiz competition organised by the Hong Kong Flag Raising Association and won the "Merit Award". Two Chinese dance representatives participated in the "Hong Kong Inter-school Dance Festival" Primary School Solo Dance Competition and won the "Grade A Award". Our athletes won the "Third Runner-up" in the Girls' Division of the "25th Anniversary of Reunification - Sham Shui Po Primary and Secondary Schools Light Volleyball Experience Course cum District Tournament". Under the guidance of our teachers, more than 40 students won one champion, two first runners-up, two second runners-up and several merit awards in the Hong Kong Speech Festival. Our school football team participated in the Jockey Club School Football Development Programme. It is evident that the students of Sze Yap have excelled in "diversified development".

The teachers have kept abreast of the times, providing training to teachers and developing learning and teaching resources, while sharing school-based experiences with colleagues in the education sector. The school arranged for Mr. Ho and Mr. Chow to attend the Chinese marching instructor training at the Fire and Ambulance Academy to learn the latest marching patterns and techniques to enhance the effectiveness of the Sze Yap flag-raising team. The Principal and Miss Tam were invited by the Sham Shui Po District Early Childhood Education Principals' Association to share our curriculum of "Bridging of Early Childhood and Primary Schools", "Timetable" and "Global Citizenship Education". The Education Bureau invited Mr. Chow, Ms. Wong, Mr. Chan and Ms. Mo to share their experience in Chinese Language "Enhancing Reading Interest and Depth through Picture Book Teaching" at the "2023 Learning by Doing Seminar".

Students, you have absorbed knowledge, acquired generic skills, broadened your horizons, and are better able to plan your future through your participation in learning activities. When you have had different learning experiences, you should not forget to thank your families for their constant care, your teachers for their dedicated teaching and support, and the school sponsoring body for the opportunities and nurturing they provide.

In the future, teachers, parents and I will continue to "walk with you" and work hand in hand with you. You are expected to uphold positive values, practice good attitudes and behaviours, and continue to be creative, explore, accept challenges and pursue your aspirations.